Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Peer Review Analysis

     The number one thought that goes through my mind while I'm working on a project is "Will my audience enjoy this?" That is the main reason why I value peer reviews so much. The peer review process for out first project was thorough and gave me a very good idea of how my audience was going to respond to my podcast. However, not all peers necessarily know how to review papers or podcasts. If how to review, what to look for, and constructive criticism was stressed more, I would have gotten even more out of the process. With every partner I received the same comments about how they liked it and how my points were strong. I appreciate the compliments but I would love some criticism as well.
     I feel that two to three rounds of reviewing is an ideal amount. Anything less would not have the full potential of benefiting the students. Anything more would be tedious and students would stop caring to thoroughly review others' as well as their own. Most of the comments that were useful to me came from the review that I asked for my professor to do. Overall, this was one of the best peer reviewed projects that I have ever done and I really enjoyed the process.

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